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About Us

Founder & C.E.O

Welcome to “Midnyt Games”, where we believe that gaming is for everyone, no matter who you are or what your budget may be.

We’re passionate about making the joy and adventure of video games accessible to all, offering an incredible selection at prices that won’t break your wallet. Because everyone deserves the chance to escape, explore, and experience the magic of gaming. Play more, dream big, and unlock the fun without limits!

“Everyone deserves to play, the rich and the poor”

–by jabir ahmed (founder & ceo)


What We Really Do?

We Offer genuine games to every one despite their bank balance or wallet.. We offer all games at an affordable price so even the rich and the poor also can play

Our Vision

Some play games and some just watch gameplay in Youtube so we found out a way where we can offer games at at an affordable price.

History Of Beginning

Since, No one is born rich even myself also i have passed from a harder time for playing games which i could not afford so keeping this in mind we have decided to provide games even to the poor.

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